Sigaev finds out that his wife has been unfaithful to him. He wants to take revenge on both his wife and the lover. Hence, He pays a visit to the gun shop. However, at times, he also considers killing himself after killing his wife and her lover because he may be looking for sympathy from others and show others that he is the one who is offended. His wife and her lover are the guilty parties and their romantic engagements have driven him to the point of madness i.e. killing himself, his wife and his lover. It would be insanity for Sigaev to kill himself because of his wife or her lover over the fact that his wife was being unfaithful. Something that becomes clearer to Sigaev towards the end of the story where he decides that the proper course of action is to divorce and shame his wife.
Although Chekhov gives no background as to why Sigaev’s wife might have been unfaithful, it is clear that Sigaev cannot trust his wife. What is also interesting is the fact that Chekhov also gives no background into Sigaev. The reader is left to take his word on everything. Only his feelings are felt throughout the story. It is clear his pride is wounded but the reader never gets to know if Sigaev’s potential actions are justified or not. We do not get to know how Sigaev used to treat his wife and this leaves the reader wondering if it is possible that Sigaev’s wife’s actions were triggered by the fact she is in an unhappy marriage. As Chekhov, throughout the story, is focused on Sigaev’s feelings about what has happened, Sigaev also appears to be more interested in how he will be perceived if he kills himself too. Will he be viewed upon as the wounded party? Shaming his wife and her lover.
It might also be important that Chekhov affords Sigaev the opportunity to think things through. He may not necessarily be acting on impulse and this is also justified by the fact that he decides upon divorce rather than killing himself, his wife and her lover. By not acting on impulse, Sigaev is able to think clearly about the course of action he wants to take. At the end of the day, he wishes to be acknowledged by society as the one who has been offended. That is the superior motive in Sigaev’s mind. The outrage that Sigaev feels at the beginning of the story also seems to lessen as the story progresses. It is as though Sigaev longs to make a decision that will not only ensure he is viewed upon sympathetically by the society but also makes him come out on top. It is as though he can’t let go of what has happened. Though any man or woman may have difficulty letting go of their spouse’s infidelity, Sigaev was a proud man. Rather than discussing what has happened to him with his wife and seeking some form of reconciliation, He appears to have a knee-jerk reaction which gave birth to him purchasing a pistol.
Sigaev’s indecision about which pistol to purchase not only buys him some time to think a little more clearly but also changes the course of action that Sigaev intends to take. Going from killing himself, his wife and her lover, Sigaev takes the more sensible approach and decides upon divorce. Thus, Affording himself the opportunity to be given sympathy by others. It is as though Sigaev’s only real complaint is the fact that his pride is wounded. Though it is inappropriate to conduct a relationship with another person’s wife or husband, Sigaev does not, at any stage in the story, think that he might be at fault and it is also difficult for the reader to say that Sigaev is at fault. As mentioned above, Chekhov gives no background to Sigaev’s relationship with his wife.
The entire story is focused on how Sigaev feels and the importance of him being seen in a good light. Sigaev does not appear to mourn the fact that his wife has been unfaithful. Rather it is more important for Sigaev to make his wife and her lover feel as he is feeling. As if this will solve the problem for Sigaev. In reality, Sigaev should probably follow the course of action he decides upon at the end of the story (divorce). However, he still longs to be viewed upon as the injured or wounded party. still, it is difficult not to view Sigaev in any other light considering that Chekhov only gives the limited information to the reader.
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